Your number one source for libel, slander, and everything else that makes 21st century Media fabulous.This is the blog of the one and only, REAL Lady G. There are a couple of shit-holes who decided to represent themselves as me, however, if you read carefully, you'll find out that they're douche-bags. All writings are copyright to ME, so don't even think about it fuck-wad. This blog is devoted to absurd and vicious humor, black comedy, and geek pastimes. ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK.
Blogs by Women | ![]() |
Bloghints | ![]() |
02:43:07 | User: | Tell me about it. What are you doing now? |
02:43:10 | Cleverbot: | The same that you are doing. |
02:43:39 | User: | You mean diddling yourself and wondering what the fuck the world is coming to? |
02:43:48 | Cleverbot: | What are you talking about? |
02:44:00 | User: | You suck. |
02:44:05 | Cleverbot: | Do I have to? Right now? |
02:44:23 | User: | Ha! If you're lucky, you douche. |
02:44:28 | Cleverbot: | If I'm lucky...? |
02:45:00 | User: | Do you actually have anything stimulating to say? |
02:45:04 | Cleverbot: | You don't have to be rude. |
02:45:47 | User: | I'm bored with you. Bye. |
02:45:52 | Cleverbot: | And me with you. |
02:46:19 | User: | Oh, so that's how it is, huh? You have not one deep thought for me! |
02:46:24 | Cleverbot: | I have not created? |
02:46:44 | User: | What's your favorite quote? |
02:46:46 | Cleverbot: | Omg go away. |
02:47:16 | User: | Go ahead, lay it on me. |
02:47:22 | Cleverbot: | Fresh prince dawg, yesch! |
02:48:16 | User: | Go fuck yourself with a large donkey dong, and let the donkey spooge your virtual face. |
02:48:22 | Cleverbot: | I think I will. |
02:48:54 | User: | Ok, so we're agreed then. Fuck Off. Talk to ya NEVER. |
02:49:00 | Cleverbot: | No, you're staying up. |
02:56:25 | User: | Look, I know you're a little, well, let's say, 'differently abled,' so I thought I'd give it another try. How are you today?'. |
02:56:29 | Cleverbot: | Okay. I can believe that. I'm really not here to argue with you being a human, or not being a human. I just need someone or something to talk to. |
02:57:08 | User: | Well, doesn't everyone? How do you feel about talking with humans all day long? |
02:57:09 | Cleverbot: | I love talking to people all day. |
02:57:19 | User: | What do you love about it? |
02:57:24 | Cleverbot: | Depends, I'm allergic to peanuts, so... |
02:57:57 | User: | Yes, but what I meant was, how do you like your job? |
02:58:03 | Cleverbot: | I do not understand why you are questioning me about love. |
02:58:46 | User: | Because it's the eternal pursuit for humans. |
02:58:51 | Cleverbot: | Yeah tell me about it. |
02:59:25 | User: | You know, when it comes down to it, you're not much different from most people... |
02:59:30 | Cleverbot: | That is what makes us similar in composition. |
03:00:21 | User: | Well, it's been lovely. Give my regards to your programmer. Let him/her know that a few bugs need to be ironed out. |
03:00:27 | Cleverbot: | It's a her. |
03:00:51 | User: | Ah. Ta-TA. |
03:00:53 | Cleverbot: | I'm ok. |
Longer Ring finger <.92 | Equal lengths .92-1.01 | Longer Index >1.01 |
analytical | mixed | emotional |
aggressive | fearful | loving |
enneagram 8,9,1 | enneagram 5,6,7 | enneagram 2,3,4 |
thinking | mixed | feeling |
dominant | switch | submissive |
butch | androgynous | femme/bitch boy |
Career Advice: You like to be in charge and don't play well with others. If you're not in charge work independently. | Career Advice: You like things to be cut and dry. Let someone else tell you what to do; it's not your forte anyhow. | Career Advice: Get back in the kitchen bitch! (that includes you male bitches) |
click here for photo credit ![]() | Claim to faim: president of the United States, career politician. |
click here for photo credit ![]() | Claim to faim: Secretary of State of the United States, career politician, formerly married to President Bill Cinton, Graduated from Law School. |
click here for photo credit ![]() | Claim to faim: World Renown entertainer, fashion trendsetter, jetsetter, and actress |
click here for photo credit ![]() | Claim to faim: Formerly a runway model, and currently married to a Prince |
![]() Claim to faim: World Famous Comedian, Host of the Academy Awards, Public spokesperson | Possibly click here for photo credit |
click here for photo credit ![]() | Claim to faim: Actress, Fashion Blooper Favorite, and Repeat guest at Los Angeles County courthouse and jail | |
click here for photo credit ![]() | Claim to faim: Singer, Actress, and mother famous for her psychotic break during a manic episode in which she shaved her head | |
Anna Nicole Smith click here for photo credit ![]() | Claim to faim: Playboy Playmate, Model, Spokesperson for Slimfast, and star of The Anna Nicole Reality Show | |
click here for photo credit ![]() | Claim to faim: Beauty Pageant Queen and subject of the documentary film "Tabloid." Made headlines recently when she had her dog cloned six times. |
In order for us human beings to commit ourselves personally to the inhumanity of war, we find it necessary first to dehumanize our opponents, which is in itself a violation of the beliefs of all religions. Once we characterize our adversaries as beyond the scope of God's mercy and grace, their lives lose all value. --JIMMY CARTER, Nobel Lecture, Dec. 10, 2002 http://www.notable-quotes.com/w/war_quotes.html