I've been told that I have an aura of un-approachability; perhaps that is true, and my aloof demeanor comes across as arrogance. I've found that most of the time, since other women are basically pre-ordained to be threatened by me, that attempting to be nice isn't really worth the effort. When backbiting occurs, the vicious words, efforts to counter-intmidate me and bully me, are simply transparent attempts to deal with their own subconscious jealousy. My apparent lack of concern elicits yet stronger fervor of passion. When I enter a room, all attention is directed towards me. I hear nervous twittering. What would normally be a friendly exchange at my kickboxing gym, poker tournaments, or a scrabble club, becomes a chance for one-up-man-ship. A normal mistake, such as dropping your keys or forgetting an appointment becomes the rare moment for a jab or a dig.
I don't feel the need to turn on the charm, although I'm extremely skilled at it when I choose to be. I've decided that I enjoy letting them marinate in their own insecurities and jealousies, and that the negative attention is yet further proof of my exceptionalness. I do not need to conform to mediocrity, nor will I kowtow to the mediocre in order to alleviate their sense of inferiority and make them feel comfortable. I can allow others to kiss my ass, and it's the most delightful feeling in the world.
Jealousy is the tribute mediocrity pays to genius.
Fulton J. Sheen
If you are great, be proud. If you are not great, learn humility.
Fulton J. Sheen
If you are great, be proud. If you are not great, learn humility.
Psychiatry doesn't help when the problem is society
-Lady G
In China
they say, 'The thinner the chopsticks, the higher the social
status.' Of course, I got the thinnest I could find.....that's
why people hate me. -Martha Stewart
Psychiatry doesn't help when the problem is society
-Lady G

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